Frakt av skrivbord Västerås till Vantaa i Finland27705
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Skapad: 29 sep, 2016
Jobb-id: 27705 Verifierad
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Status: stängd
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Beställare: p*****d f**************
Västerås Sverige
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
3 oktober, 201608:00
7 oktober, 201618:00
01620 Vantaa Finland
3 oktober, 201608:00
16 oktober, 201621:00

Markeringarna på kartan ska endast ses som preliminära punkter för hämtning och lämning.
Kategori: Möbler
Frakt av skrivbord Västerås till Vantaa i Finland
Mer information:
I’d like to send the following RFQ for a special shipment to my office. it's 3 adjustable Kinnarps tables that we’d like to move to Finland.
The tables are quite heavy but table-sheets can be screwed apart from the frame which is adjustable. The tables will not be “packed for transport” so I trust your team to figure out a suitable way to handle such delivery in the most cost-effective way.
The quotation should include:
- pick-up arrangements from Enics Västerås factory, Delivery: Vantaa, Finland (address details in my signature).
- pick-up time – week 40
· SE-FI delivery and local haulage
- delivery time: most economical solution
The tables are quite heavy but table-sheets can be screwed apart from the frame which is adjustable. The tables will not be “packed for transport” so I trust your team to figure out a suitable way to handle such delivery in the most cost-effective way.
The quotation should include:
- pick-up arrangements from Enics Västerås factory, Delivery: Vantaa, Finland (address details in my signature).
- pick-up time – week 40
· SE-FI delivery and local haulage
- delivery time: most economical solution
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