Flytta från Stockholm till München, Tyskland19893
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Skapad: 03 apr, 2016
Jobb-id: 19893 Verifierad
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Status: avbruten av beställaren
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Beställare: j*******************6
Stockholm Sverige
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
23 maj, 201609:00
31 maj, 201609:00
Munich Tyskland
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
1 juni, 201609:00
30 juni, 201609:00

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Kategori: Flytt / Bohagsflytt
Flytta från Stockholm till München, Tyskland
Volym: 8 m3
Godset står på pall: Vet ej
Mer information:
Hej, I will move 8 cubic meters from Stockholm to a university building in München, Germany. In Stockholm, the flat is on the 2nd floor, no elevator and one can park ca.4 meters close to the entrance of the building. In München, I am currently trying to find out the situation but it will be a bit bigger distances from the parking to the entrance. I will have to move from Stockholm between the 24th-31st of May 2016 and I am flexible on the arrival dates in Munich. Included in the 8 cubic meters are among smaller stuff 1 sofa, 1 big book shelf, 3 chairs, 1 bicycle and mostly boxes. I don’t need packing/unpacking services.
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