Move a trampoline from front of house to back of house inom Saltsjöbaden

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Skapad av:
Skapad: 31 maj, 2022
Jobb-id: 539052 Verifierad
Lägsta bud: Inväntar bud
Status: avbruten av beställaren
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Beställare: k******************1


133 35 Saltsjöbaden Sverige
1 juni, 202208:00
3 juni, 202221:00


133 35 Saltsjöbaden Sverige
1 juni, 202208:00
3 juni, 202221:00

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Kategori: Övriga objekt & pallar / Övrigt

Move a trampoline from front of house to back of house

Längd: 4 m
Mer information:
Hi. We need to move our trampoline from the front of the house to the back of the house. The legs are off now- When the trampoline is moved we need to put the legs back on.
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