Flytt Thailand till Sverige21053
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Skapad av:
Skapad: 28 apr, 2016
Jobb-id: 21053 Verifierad
Lägsta bud:
Status: stängd
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Beställare: m**********5
77110 Hua Hin Thailand
24 maj, 201608:00
23 juni, 201608:00
Strömstad Sverige
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
24 juni, 201608:00
21 juli, 201608:00

Markeringarna på kartan ska endast ses som preliminära punkter för hämtning och lämning.
Kategori: Flytt / Bohagsflytt
Flytt Thailand till Sverige
Vikt: 2000 kgVolym: 16 m3
Mer information:
Flytt av bohag från Hua Hin Thailand till VG Sverige.
Moving household from Thailand to Sweden!
All the things is second hand / old, has bin used bye use here in Thailand.
2 x Flat screen televisions ,1x sound system four Tv, 1x sound system desk,2 x office desks, 2x office shares,1x Laptop 2x I pads, 1x Metal detector ,3x Desks with 4 drawers,2X Coberds,2X Bed’s, 2x Toy Boxes, 3x fans , 1X Kitchen table, 8x kitchen shares, 1x small safe about 35 liters 1x Motor Bike 110cc,
2x Bicycle, 2 sets of Golf clubs,6x boxes of Home decorating and about 14 boxes with Kitchen stuff plates glasses , Clods, Shoes, Toys.
Some off these items can be left behind if there should be a problem with space, but we are thinking about a 20 foot container and then it shouldn’t be a problem.
We don’t have an exact address in Sweden get, so we might even want to store the things a month or to if that is possible.
And the time looks like its going to be in- June 2016.
Best Regards
Mikael Sigvardsson
Moving household from Thailand to Sweden!
All the things is second hand / old, has bin used bye use here in Thailand.
2 x Flat screen televisions ,1x sound system four Tv, 1x sound system desk,2 x office desks, 2x office shares,1x Laptop 2x I pads, 1x Metal detector ,3x Desks with 4 drawers,2X Coberds,2X Bed’s, 2x Toy Boxes, 3x fans , 1X Kitchen table, 8x kitchen shares, 1x small safe about 35 liters 1x Motor Bike 110cc,
2x Bicycle, 2 sets of Golf clubs,6x boxes of Home decorating and about 14 boxes with Kitchen stuff plates glasses , Clods, Shoes, Toys.
Some off these items can be left behind if there should be a problem with space, but we are thinking about a 20 foot container and then it shouldn’t be a problem.
We don’t have an exact address in Sweden get, so we might even want to store the things a month or to if that is possible.
And the time looks like its going to be in- June 2016.
Best Regards
Mikael Sigvardsson
Utanför EU
Denna transport är utanför EU på hämtning och/eller leverans. Ingen moms föreligger i budpriset.
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