Larson 200sei cuddy231233
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Skapad: 26 maj, 2018
Jobb-id: 231233 Verifierad
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Beställare: p******************5
11758 Solna Sverige
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
3 juni, 201808:00
3 juni, 201818:00
37331 Nättraby Sverige
3 juni, 201808:00
3 juni, 201823:00

Markeringarna på kartan ska endast ses som preliminära punkter för hämtning och lämning.
Kategori: Båtar / Båtar & Yachter
Larson 200sei cuddy
Längd: 6 mBredd: 2.45 m
Mer information:
Hej, jag undrar vad transport kostar för denna båten från Solna till Nättraby i Karlskrona. Ganska exakt 50 mil.
Båten ligger i havet och det finns ingen trailer.
Båten ligger i havet och det finns ingen trailer.
Beskrivning som angivits på Blocket:
I am selling a Larson 200sei cuddy to eventually buy a bigger sailboat. Her name is Waiwurrie... she is perfect for the Stockholm weekend archipelago trips as its light weight, which makes it very economical and fast for its size. She also has lots of storage available.
Lots of money spent looking after this boat as I have really tried to take care of her. For the last four years it has been stored in a warm winter hall and maintained and serviced by Solna Marin. She was shipped over from the UK 4 years ago and I have owned her since 2010. The boat will be launched sometime after May 9th. I'm sure a transfer of the berth in Solna can be arranged with the marina if required.
Here are the details:
Boat: Larson 200sei cuddy
Max speed: 40kts
Year built: 2000
Length: 6m
Width: 2.45m
Engine: Volvo Penta 4.3 V6 GL
Volvo penta SX-A drive
Power steering system
Stainless steel prop, K&N air filter
Can sleep max 4, certified to carry 10, comfortable with 5 on day trip
Fuel tank: Approx 180 litres
4 fenders
Mooring ropes
2 berths in the front cabin
Portable Toilet
Garmin 405 GPS
Garmin fish finder
Custom built isotherm fridge/freezer approx 100 litres
MPPT Solar panel controller
100watt foldable solar panel
Navigation and cockpit lights
Skis and ski rope included
Tracking alarm system with SMS alerts
New Full cover cost 22000sek - 2017
Storage cover also replaced 2012
Polished and anti fouled - 2017
New battery 2017
New steering cable - 2017
New Raw water pump - 2017
Risers and Manifold replaced 2011
Full rebuild of SX drive, bellows, drive shaft and new hydraulic lift cylinders at a cost of 50000sek - 2016 - 2017
Fully serviced April 2018
New audio system - 2016
New anchor, rope and chain 2018
All receipts available
Please email me for more pictures or more information.
Lots of money spent looking after this boat as I have really tried to take care of her. For the last four years it has been stored in a warm winter hall and maintained and serviced by Solna Marin. She was shipped over from the UK 4 years ago and I have owned her since 2010. The boat will be launched sometime after May 9th. I'm sure a transfer of the berth in Solna can be arranged with the marina if required.
Here are the details:
Boat: Larson 200sei cuddy
Max speed: 40kts
Year built: 2000
Length: 6m
Width: 2.45m
Engine: Volvo Penta 4.3 V6 GL
Volvo penta SX-A drive
Power steering system
Stainless steel prop, K&N air filter
Can sleep max 4, certified to carry 10, comfortable with 5 on day trip
Fuel tank: Approx 180 litres
4 fenders
Mooring ropes
2 berths in the front cabin
Portable Toilet
Garmin 405 GPS
Garmin fish finder
Custom built isotherm fridge/freezer approx 100 litres
MPPT Solar panel controller
100watt foldable solar panel
Navigation and cockpit lights
Skis and ski rope included
Tracking alarm system with SMS alerts
New Full cover cost 22000sek - 2017
Storage cover also replaced 2012
Polished and anti fouled - 2017
New battery 2017
New steering cable - 2017
New Raw water pump - 2017
Risers and Manifold replaced 2011
Full rebuild of SX drive, bellows, drive shaft and new hydraulic lift cylinders at a cost of 50000sek - 2016 - 2017
Fully serviced April 2018
New audio system - 2016
New anchor, rope and chain 2018
All receipts available
Please email me for more pictures or more information.
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