Studio Desk by Gear4music 3 Tier bord musik304331
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Skapad: 24 dec, 2018
Jobb-id: 304331 Verifierad
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Beställare: f*************4
113 54 Stockholm Sverige
24 december, 201808:00
30 december, 201821:00
183 47 Täby Sverige
24 december, 201808:00
31 januari, 201921:00

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Kategori: Företagsobjekt / Kontorsutrustning & Material
Studio Desk by Gear4music 3 Tier bord musik
Godset står på pall: Vet ej
Mer information:
Studio Desk by Gear4music. 3 Tier. As new. Perfect condition. Never used.
pick up from Roslagsgatan 62.
Has three surfaces including a pull-out shelf, top monitor shelf and main worksurface. It has 2cm thick laminate wood shelves with a heavy duty sleek steel frame to withstand heavy use. Designed to work with any combination of setups and audio equipment, this studio desk is perfect for both home and professional use.
General Specifications: Shelf Thickness: 2cm, Maximum Weight: 75kg, Material: Shelves are Natural Laminate Wood and frame is steel
Main Shelf: Height from floor: 73.5cm, Width: 120cm, Depth: 60cm
Top Shelf: Height from floor: 91.4cm, Width: 98cm, Depth: 44cm
Pull-Out Shelf: Height from floor: 66cm, Width: 70cm, Depth: 36cm
Frame Base Dimensions: Width: 81cm, Depth: 66cm
pick up from Roslagsgatan 62.
Has three surfaces including a pull-out shelf, top monitor shelf and main worksurface. It has 2cm thick laminate wood shelves with a heavy duty sleek steel frame to withstand heavy use. Designed to work with any combination of setups and audio equipment, this studio desk is perfect for both home and professional use.
General Specifications: Shelf Thickness: 2cm, Maximum Weight: 75kg, Material: Shelves are Natural Laminate Wood and frame is steel
Main Shelf: Height from floor: 73.5cm, Width: 120cm, Depth: 60cm
Top Shelf: Height from floor: 91.4cm, Width: 98cm, Depth: 44cm
Pull-Out Shelf: Height from floor: 66cm, Width: 70cm, Depth: 36cm
Frame Base Dimensions: Width: 81cm, Depth: 66cm
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