Konst från gothenburg till Colston Bassett515207
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Sök din transport här Kategori: Ömtåligt & Antikt / Konst
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Skapad: 24 sep, 2020
Jobb-id: 515207 Verifierad
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Status: stängd
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Beställare: p*******************2
411 34 gothenburg Sverige
25 september, 202011:00
27 september, 202021:00
NG12 3FX Colston Bassett Storbritannien
30 september, 202012:00
5 oktober, 202021:00

Markeringarna på kartan ska endast ses som preliminära punkter för hämtning och lämning.
Kategori: Ömtåligt & Antikt / Konst
Längd: 240 cmHöjd: 160 cm
Vikt: 13 kg
Godset står på pall: Vet ej
Mer information:
I have a piece of artwork that I need to be sent to Notthingham, UK, from Gothenburg Sweden. The art piece is 240 x 160 and weighs around 10-13 kg. How much would this transport be? We want to send it asap and the piece needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap, but nothing heavy relying on it;
I have a piece of artwork that I need to be sent to Notthingham, UK, from Gothenburg Sweden. The art piece is 240 x 160 and weighs around 10-13 kg. How much would this transport be? We want to send it asap and the piece needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap, but nothing heavy relying on it;
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