Säng & Våningsäng (Trä)250282
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Skapad: 24 jul, 2018
Jobb-id: 250282 Verifierad
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Status: stängd
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Beställare: r**********8
42363 Göteborg Nederländerna
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
24 juli, 201808:00
24 juli, 201820:00
42441 Göteborg/Angered Nederländerna
24 juli, 201808:00
24 juli, 201820:00

Markeringarna på kartan ska endast ses som preliminära punkter för hämtning och lämning.
Kategori: Möbler / Säng & Sovrum
Säng & Våningsäng (Trä)
Mer information:
Baseboard: 189cm x 74.5cm
Headboard: 120cm (height)
Headboard: 120cm (height)
Beskrivning som angivits på Blocket:
1. Master Bed Set (Complete Bed and 2 Sidetables): 2750 kr
Baseboard: 189cm x 74.5cm
Headboard: 120cm (height)
High quality bed, solid wood. Cherry Finish shows signs of normal wear, but in very good condition (except the top of one sidetable is especially worn, as shown in picture). More pictures available upon request.
Mattresses/Support included. (We never slept on the mattresses directly--we used a thick mattress memory foam mattress pad.)
2. Våningsäng/Bunkbed: 750kr
(88cm wide, 208cm long, 144cm tall)
Mattresses included, if desired.
Questions/Interest? Contact Kristin by Blocket Messenger or SMS.
Items located in Kippholmen. Delivery available for additional fee, depending on location.
To see other large items available, search "Moving Sale Kristin" -- Large Oak Table, Lamps, Backabro Sofa, Chaise Lounge, Bikes, Toys, etc.
1. Master Bed Set (Complete Bed and 2 Sidetables): 2750 kr
Baseboard: 189cm x 74.5cm
Headboard: 120cm (height)
High quality bed, solid wood. Cherry Finish shows signs of normal wear, but in very good condition (except the top of one sidetable is especially worn, as shown in picture). More pictures available upon request.
Mattresses/Support included. (We never slept on the mattresses directly--we used a thick mattress memory foam mattress pad.)
2. Våningsäng/Bunkbed: 750kr
(88cm wide, 208cm long, 144cm tall)
Mattresses included, if desired.
Questions/Interest? Contact Kristin by Blocket Messenger or SMS.
Items located in Kippholmen. Delivery available for additional fee, depending on location.
To see other large items available, search "Moving Sale Kristin" -- Large Oak Table, Lamps, Backabro Sofa, Chaise Lounge, Bikes, Toys, etc.
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