Mid century leather sofa383110
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Skapad: 22 jun, 2019
Jobb-id: 383110 Verifierad
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Beställare: m**************0
21443 Malmö Sverige
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
7 juli, 201901:00
8 juli, 201901:00
262 63 Ängelholm Sverige
7 juli, 201901:00
8 juli, 201901:00

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Kategori: Möbler / Soffor & Fåtöljer
Mid century leather sofa
Beskrivning som angivits på Blocket:
I had bought this sofa one year ago because my parents were visiting. My Dad is 75 and he is used to sitting on nice, leather sofas. At that age, you need to sit on a good couch. I gave it a chance and have lived with it for a year but I never use it. I am just not a "sofa-person". It is in great condition, clean and very beautiful. It has very good quality leather. Read more in the product description here https://www.ikea.com//stockholm-3-sits-soffa-seglora-natu/ I used the furniture depreciation calculator on splitwise.com for the price. Original cost was 14,995kr. I can help you bring it down the stairs, but I cannot transport it for you. I live in Malmö. Looking forward to giving this beautiful couch a good home.
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