Beneteau First 21.7 + trailer - 200661999
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Skapad: 21 mar, 2017
Jobb-id: 61999 Verifierad
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Beställare: j*************1
18142 Lidingö Sverige
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
2 juli, 201708:00
5 juli, 201708:00
820 76 Jättendal Sverige
3 juli, 201708:00
7 juli, 201721:00

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Kategori: Båtar / Båtar & Yachter
Beneteau First 21.7 + trailer - 2006
Beskrivning som angivits på Blocket:
Sailing boat from 2006 in good condition and well equipped. The lifting keel and adjustable twin rudders make it easy to transport on a trailer, I brought her with me from France when I moved to Stockholm a couple of years ago. She has been a fun and safe sailer to discover the archipelago single handed and with friends.
The boat is currently situated on Lidingö for visits.
Would you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me!
* Outboard Engine Mercury 10hp
* Trailer Satellite RSA VHKB 171 L (1700kg, new tires)
* Main(Elvström), furling Genoa(Starvoile) and asymmetrical spinnaker(momentum)
* Lazy-bags, rigid boom vang
* VHF Navicom RT - 450 DSC
* Raymarine ST 40, Speed, depth, log and sea temperature
* Raymarine ST 40 wind system
* Raymarine ST 1000+ Tiller Pilot
The boat is currently situated on Lidingö for visits.
Would you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me!
* Outboard Engine Mercury 10hp
* Trailer Satellite RSA VHKB 171 L (1700kg, new tires)
* Main(Elvström), furling Genoa(Starvoile) and asymmetrical spinnaker(momentum)
* Lazy-bags, rigid boom vang
* VHF Navicom RT - 450 DSC
* Raymarine ST 40, Speed, depth, log and sea temperature
* Raymarine ST 40 wind system
* Raymarine ST 1000+ Tiller Pilot
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