Alesis Strike Kit +tillbehör digital trumset440359
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Skapad: 20 sep, 2019
Jobb-id: 440359 Verifierad
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Beställare: j*******************9
17169 Solna Sverige
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
20 september, 201908:00
4 oktober, 201921:00
222 23 Lund Sverige
20 september, 201908:00
29 november, 201921:00

Markeringarna på kartan ska endast ses som preliminära punkter för hämtning och lämning.
Kategori: Ömtåligt & Antikt / Andra musikinstrument
Alesis Strike Kit +tillbehör digital trumset
Mer information:
Kitet kommer transporteras nedpackat i kartonger. Ska till pingstkyrkan i Lund, antar att det kanske kan räknas som företag.
Beskrivning som angivits på Blocket:
Selling my electronic drum kit
- Alesis Strike Kit (New price: 18.000 SEK)
- Tama HP200PTW Iron Cobra 200 Twin Pedal (New price: 2.099 SEK)
- Tama HH205 Hi-hat stand (New price: 1.295 SEK)
- Gibraltar 5608 drum throne (seat) (New price: 600 SEK)
- New price of all above: 21.994 SEK
I have been extremely happy with this kit. Selling due to change of interests. Only used at home and in a very good condition. There is a green mark on the snare drum mesh, my niece put a play dough on it once. That has absolutely no influence on the functionality, only cosmetic. Picture of the green mark is attached in the ad.
Here's a drum cover I recorded with this kit for your reference:
Selling everything as a package (price dropped): 15.750 SEK
Wish you a lovely day!
- Alesis Strike Kit (New price: 18.000 SEK)
- Tama HP200PTW Iron Cobra 200 Twin Pedal (New price: 2.099 SEK)
- Tama HH205 Hi-hat stand (New price: 1.295 SEK)
- Gibraltar 5608 drum throne (seat) (New price: 600 SEK)
- New price of all above: 21.994 SEK
I have been extremely happy with this kit. Selling due to change of interests. Only used at home and in a very good condition. There is a green mark on the snare drum mesh, my niece put a play dough on it once. That has absolutely no influence on the functionality, only cosmetic. Picture of the green mark is attached in the ad.
Here's a drum cover I recorded with this kit for your reference:
Selling everything as a package (price dropped): 15.750 SEK
Wish you a lovely day!
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