Yamaha Dragstar Custom Bobber 650cc 98197164
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Skapad: 16 feb, 2018
Jobb-id: 197164 Verifierad
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Beställare: m*****************7
96024 Boden Sverige
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
16 februari, 201808:00
2 mars, 201821:00
Stockholm Sverige
Gatuadress är inte fullt angiven
16 februari, 201808:00
5 mars, 201821:00

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Kategori: Motorcyklar & Mopeder / Motorcykel
Yamaha Dragstar Custom Bobber 650cc 98
Mer information:
Jag behöver eventuell få denna transporterad från Boden till Stockholm.
Jag behöver eventuell få denna transporterad från Boden till Stockholm.
Beskrivning som angivits på Blocket:
98 Yamaha Dragstar Custom Bobber 650cc, Black, 1500mls,
Custom seat, rear fender, lights, bars, exhaust mirrors.
Looks, Sounds and Drives Great! Really comfortable riding position! Very reliable.
Besikted and Skatted.
Comes with the original exhaust and mirrors as well.
Grab yourself a winter bargain and be ready for when the snow has gone!
The bike is stored in a heated garage in Harads.
Any questions, just email.
Custom seat, rear fender, lights, bars, exhaust mirrors.
Looks, Sounds and Drives Great! Really comfortable riding position! Very reliable.
Besikted and Skatted.
Comes with the original exhaust and mirrors as well.
Grab yourself a winter bargain and be ready for when the snow has gone!
The bike is stored in a heated garage in Harads.
Any questions, just email.
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