Hay matbord, Loop Stand, dansk design344826
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Skapad: 14 apr, 2019
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11450 Stockholm Sverige
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14 april, 201908:00
28 april, 201921:00
41476 Göteborg Sverige
14 april, 201908:00
1 maj, 201921:00

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Kategori: Möbler / Bord & Stolar
Hay matbord, Loop Stand, dansk design
Beskrivning som angivits på Blocket:
Design Leif Jörgensen
Bredd 87 cm
Längd 180 cm
Höjd 74 cm
Inköpt på NK 2017 och är i mkt gott skick
Leif Jørgensen is a Danish designer and architect based in Copenhagen who founded his first design business in 1989. He works in the fields of interior and exterior architecture, and in product design. He has particular experience with retail design and has created numerous concepts for the fashion industry, along with products, office spaces and private houses. His approach is dictated by a desire to develop original ideas and to push boundaries of traditional product typologies through the application of new techniques and production methods. An inquisitive designer, Jørgensen has a keen interest in how products and concepts are influenced by their cultural and social context. His One Series of upholstery pieces for HAY was a part of the inaugural product collection, he has also designed the Loop Series and the Connect Bed.
Bredd 87 cm
Längd 180 cm
Höjd 74 cm
Inköpt på NK 2017 och är i mkt gott skick
Leif Jørgensen is a Danish designer and architect based in Copenhagen who founded his first design business in 1989. He works in the fields of interior and exterior architecture, and in product design. He has particular experience with retail design and has created numerous concepts for the fashion industry, along with products, office spaces and private houses. His approach is dictated by a desire to develop original ideas and to push boundaries of traditional product typologies through the application of new techniques and production methods. An inquisitive designer, Jørgensen has a keen interest in how products and concepts are influenced by their cultural and social context. His One Series of upholstery pieces for HAY was a part of the inaugural product collection, he has also designed the Loop Series and the Connect Bed.
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