Transport of a sofabed

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Kategori: Möbler
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Skapad: 10 aug, 2016
Jobb-id: 25469 Verifierad

Transporten är stängd / bokad / på väg att bokas

Valt bud: 3500 SEKink moms
Bud ex moms 2800 SEK?
Status: utförd
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Beställare: o************8


- Copenhagen Danmark
10 augusti, 201608:00
24 augusti, 201611:00


112 22 Stockholm Sverige
23 augusti, 201615:00
24 augusti, 201612:00

Markeringarna på kartan ska endast ses som preliminära punkter för hämtning och lämning.

Kategori: Möbler

Transport of a sofabed

Godset står på pall: Vet ej
Mer information:
Transport of a sofabed (that's currently packaged in multiple boxes) from a shop warehouse in Copenhagen to a private address in central Stockholm.
The biggest box (the bedframe) is appx. 20x167x210cm and weighs appx. 50kg.
All the boxes together are appx. 3,5 Metres cubed.
I need it delivered inside the front main entrance door of the apartment building NOT left in the middle of the street where it might get wet if it is raining. There is only ONE very low step between the footpath and the main entrance door. Otherwise it is all flat.
The street is a deadend street and the building is on the corner before the deadend so there is plenty of room for a big truck to unload and turn around.
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Absolutely outstanding! Could not have been more pleasant, efficient and professional. Highly recommended. Thank you very much!